After a mere 12 years, Thomas Friedman's well documented theory of the 'McDonald's Theory of War' has been discarded half eaten on the pavement in its garish polystyrene box. For those unaware, the theory contended that no country with a Mcdonald's outlet had ever gone to war with another ditto..... the reason being that countries with a capitalist economy stable enough to sustain a McDonald's have reached such a level of prosperity and global integration as to make warmongering risky and unpalatable to its people.
At this point, step in Russia and Georgia to finally flush this theory well round the U-bend.
Personally, I think it just requires a little bit of fine tuning..... how about the 'Greggs the Bakers Theory of War'? ..... however, this chap is wondering whether Moscow has a branch of Carpetworld.....
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