If you may permit me to briefly extend the the already tortured metaphor of Stephen Hawking dancing on the ceiling (see disc of the day #1), we may as well have the decency to ask how he's doing......
So let's bring on the jaw-dropping brilliance of 'How is the air up there' by the Changin' Times. I do like the fact that, on this copy, the radio station DJ has sought to rectify the punctuation error and hand written a question mark at the end of the title to enhance grammatical correctness. Come On! Rock and Roll!
Some of you may be aware of the La-Di-Das (New Zealand) obscure cover of this on the 2nd Nuggets CD box set (all the non US buffoonery).... here we have the even more obscure original.... and in my totally unbiased opinion, it's far better. It must be something to do with the fuzz. This is fuzzier than a policeman attacking a bee covered peach with a chainsaw. And it's very bouncy too. And it's got great anti high society lyrics. And this copy has home-made grammatical pedantry.
Let's Rock?
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